Sony A9 III – the monumental camera

Sony A9 III – the monumental camera

At their 10 years celebration of full frame mirrorless cameras, Sony decide to impress the world once again by launching the Sony A9 III with a killer feature, a milestone for the industry, the global shutter. I haven’t posted on this blog for more than 4 years, but this launch made me do it once again, and maybe I’ll do a review too when I’ll get my hands on it, because I’ve preordered the Sony A9 III the...

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A global shutter camera – I was a visionary back in 2018

A global shutter camera – I was a visionary back in 2018

I’m waiting (un)patiently for my new A9 III, and the shop I buy here in Sweden gave me a preliminary date. As of 20 January 2024 I might be the happy owner of the new beast. I’ve watched everything posted online about the camera, and today, a movie posted by my favourite youtuber, mr. Gerald Undone brought back a memory from long ago. He said that A9 III (final version) has great options for the shutter speed like 1/48 and...

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100 de portrete ale oamenilor din Värnamo

100 de portrete ale oamenilor din Värnamo

Din octombrie 2019 de cand ne-am mutat in Suedia, in micutul orasel pe nume Värnamo, mi-am tot pus mintea la treaba cum si ce pot face sa ajung sa cunosc oameni. Este bine stiut ca suedezii nu sunt tocmai cei mai sociali oameni, cu atat mai putin cu un strain care ii opreste pe strada sa ii intrebe de sanatate. Si cum mie imi place sa-mi ies din zona de confort, fix asta am considerat ca este cel mai mare challenge, sa reusesc sa...

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Din internationella bröllopsfotograf – Alin Popescu

Din internationella bröllopsfotograf – Alin Popescu

Why “bröllopsfotograf”? Well, because two months ago, me and my family flew for good to Sweden, to work and live there, in a nordic country we long dreamed of. So, the title “din internationella bröllopsfotograf” means nothing else but Your international weeding photographer What it means is that I’m continuing my work as a photographer in a field I really love so much: the wedding photography. I have...

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Photos from Budapest Pride 2019

Photos from Budapest Pride 2019

I’ve always been a supporter for minorities and I’ve always helped their causes whenever I could. I did volunteer jobs, I photographed events pro bono, or I’ve attended the events I could and had time for. But somehow I’ve never managed to get close or show my support to LGBT community, even if I have friends that belongs there. This time I found myself in Budapest at the same time the Budapest Pride 2019...

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How is the new Sony 200-600 G OSS compared to the Sony 100-400 GM?

How is the new Sony 200-600 G OSS compared to the Sony 100-400 GM?

Even if I’m away from my country, where I’ve acted as a Sony Europe Imaging Ambassador since 2015 (we are moving with the entire family to Sweden), I’m still lucky enough to have the amazing people from Sony Europe trusting me to test new cameras or lenses they are launching. This time around, the newly launched Sony 200-600 G OSS. Sony 200-600 G OSS Weighting 2,115 grams it is a lot heavier than my Sony 100-400 GM...

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No day passes without me thinking about the Sony 400mm f/2.8 GM

No day passes without me thinking about the Sony 400mm f/2.8 GM

How can I not remember and dream more about this day? It was last summer when Sony invited me to the launch of the new Sony 400mm f/2.8 GM(onster). Even if it’s a badass looking and performing lens, it weights just 2.9 kilos and it’s an amazing tool to also use it handheld. And there are so many that are doing so (oh, I so envy you Alex Phan and other birders using this amazing lens). Since testing it back in London my...

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Sony A9 firmware 5.0 is here and it just blows away everyting

Sony A9 firmware 5.0 is here and it just blows away everyting

Sony A9 firmware 5.0 is here and it just blows away everything I’ve seen so far in terms of focusing and tracking. I have updated the very first thing in the morning when it became available and the did a quick run to a nearby lake for some BIF tests. In order to be able to show others what I see in the viewfinder and how Sony A9 behaves with the new firmware 5.0, I have to connect the camera to my Atomos Ninja V and record the...

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Sony A6400 – fotografia se schimba

Sony A6400 – fotografia se schimba

Sony a6400 este una dintre cele 3 camere aparute in gama Sony A6xxx dupa ce producatorul nipon a dat “lovitura” cu modelul de baza a6000 (model care inca se vinde cu mult succes in toata lumea, cred eu cel mai longeviv mirrorless de pe piata). Au aparut Sony a6300 si apoi Sony a6500, fiecare aducand noutati si imbunatatiri modelului de baza, ultimul focalizandu-se foarte mult si pe partea video. Acum, intra in scena...

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GoPro 7 black test in offroad

GoPro 7 black test in offroad

Am luat de curand un GoPro 7 Black sa inlocuiesc micutul session 5 pe care il aveam deja. Motivul principal a fost megastabilizarea de care dispune noul GoPro 7 precum si toate modurile de time-lapse si hyperlapse. Nu va spun mai mult decat atat: se ridica la astepari, ba chiar mai mult. Mai jos un clip de azi, de pe...

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