A global shutter camera – I was a visionary back in 2018

I’m waiting (un)patiently for my new A9 III, and the shop I buy here in Sweden gave me a preliminary date. As of 20 January 2024 I might be the happy owner of the new beast.

I’ve watched everything posted online about the camera, and today, a movie posted by my favourite youtuber, mr. Gerald Undone brought back a memory from long ago. He said that A9 III (final version) has great options for the shutter speed like 1/48 and 1/96 to better match the frame rates, but unfortunately there is no option to set the shutter angle. And then it popped!

It took me a while to find the proof, but here it is.

Sony A9 firm 3 had a bug

Back in 2018 I’ve discovered a bug in the new firmware update of the original A9. It was firmware 3.0. Somehow it messed my settings on the FN button menu and showed the option Angle Setting. I’ve posted about it here.

A7s III was not yet released back then, and I assumed it will be a camera with global shutter. What did I know that we have to wait 5 more years to see it coming in the form of the A9 III.

Funny fact 1: maybe the programmer that released the firmware for the original A9 with this bug chose in the export instead of A9 firmware 3, he chose A9 version III 😀

Funny fact 2: back then, I was a Sony European Imaging Ambassador in Romania and after I’ve published the article on the blog, a contact directly from Sony Japan asked me kindly to take down the article (no explanations given, he said it’s just a bug quickly to be fixed). I did that, but didn’t delete it, just unpublished from WordPress. Today I found it again, after a long search since I didn’t remember exactly when it happened.

I knew it all the time it is coming!

Author: Alin Popescu

Inginer ca formare, grafician ca meserie, fotograf ca mod de viata, Alin este pasionat de tot ce inseamna tehnologie si scrie articole detaliate pe intelesul tuturor.

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