Full review and focus tests with SONY a6000 – a beautiful dream

Check my Sony A6300 impressions!

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afla cum instalezi aplicatiile in noul tau aparat, din tari ne-suportate
This is my first review in English due to increased interest from outside Romania. Please pardon my English 🙂

UPDATE: the Romanian version is . Pentru versiunea in limba Romana .

UPDATE 2: due to high demand again, the SONY A7 review was translated to English (thanks Mihai for your time and help). Read it here.


I had a beautiful dream last week. All week long.

It was like this: the very day SONY announced the new a6000, I don’t know by what miracle made possible by the guys at F64, I was the first in the country to get one of the few samples available for test, and took it away with me, wherever I saw fit.

As we all know, dreams are weird and many times when you wake up, you actually don’t want to believe them. But when you wake up, you realise everything was real.

So real that I couldn’t help but take a shot of it

The heir of NEX6 (and at least until we dream nice again, also of NEX7), SONY a6000 is the most beautiful and successful NEX camera in the series, which is not a NEX anymore :). SONY completely dropped the NEX nomination for its mirrorless cameras, calling everything it will produce from now on an Alpha (α) camera.

And to keep the dream even more interesting and to make an older dream of mine come true, SONY also quit using the most stupid and intricate Menus and User Interface (the old NEX ones, which I couldn’t bear), in favour of the beautiful A7/A7r menus (wrote about this camera here – UPDATE, now in English), a good practice started with the RX1 (you guessed it, I wrote about this one here)

What’s new?

Major upgrades from the NEX6 you will find almost everywhere you look on a6000, but there are some which attract us almost immediately

  • 24,3 Mpx  EXMOR APS HD CMOS coupled with the image processor borrowed from his full frame brothers, BIONZ X
  • Higher ISO filed of values, up to ISO 25.600 (100-25.600)
  • Hybrid Focusing System (Contrast Detect + Phase Detect) with not least than 179 phase detect points covering 92% of the sensor surface
  • 11 fps burst rate with continuous focus
  • NFC & WiFi for greater connectivity
  • Magnesium alloy body

Nothing of all of the above mean anything but marketing selling points unless tested. “Dreams, my friends, dreams” … was what I thought until I put my hands on the camera and started testing everyone of them.

What can and can’t do the new a6000?

I’ll start with what the camera can’t do:

It can’t cook (even if it can shoot easily kitchen cooking sessions), and also, it cannot disappoint.

SONY a6000 + Carl Zeiss 16-70 mm F4 + 2 Nikon SBs remotely triggered by a small chinese device, thanks to its multi-hotshoe compatible with ISO standard

I dreamed about those shrimps being so tasty (mean face now).

I thought that at least the price will disappoint a little, but looking at those specs and how the camera performs, thinking back on it, I find it almost a bargain, at 649 £ on Amazon.co.uk (check price, or here at F64)

Design & handling

As soon as you’ll get your hands on the a6000, it will inspire confidence, good build quality and it’s impossible not to be attracted by its straight lines. It’s an era of “retro is fantastic” and a6000 screams Retro. Here are some comparisons with its bigger brother, the A7 and below with the older NEX6

image source www.imaging-resource.com

Looking at the EVF, I have to point out a few things. First, its resolution was lowered (1.44 mpx compared to 2.35 of the NEX6) and also its physical size. But what may look like a disadvantage was compensated by the display used: a new and improved Tru-Finder OLED which is so bright and incredible in delivering colours and details.

When I’ve tested the A7 I said about its EVF that it was the first one I would use instead of an optical one. The one on a6000 is the second. When reviewing an image shot with the a6000 through its EVF, the feeling is just like watching a 3d image, so great the impression was to me.

Another thing to point out about the EVF is that the rubber around it, is incredibly rigid and hurts your eyebrows after some hours of shooting with the camera.

Even so, I prefered the EVF to the LCD due to the high reflective surface of the last one even in light not so strong. Not the case when you want to shoot from the water level, in case which, the tilting LCD is invaluable.

Carl Zeiss 16-70 F4 | 16 mm | F4 | 1/60s | ISO 3200 Multi Frame Noise Reduction

Speaking of ease of operation, the camera is very customisable by the user’s needs. The two C1 and C2 custom buttons may become anything you need, but an extra is the Fn button and its functions list, which again is very easy to make it “your own”. Not only this, but almost every button on the a6000 can be changed, transforming the camera by your needs.

What I did find until now very difficult on SONY cameras, was how difficult was to change the focusing point (except models with touch screen) when you were in Flexible Spot focus area. Not anymore.

On a6000 (could be that I missed this on other models?!) it’s easy to change it, by pressing the button inside the back-wheel and then moving it around with the directional, or even faster using the two wheels available on the body, like in the clip below

Image quality on a6000

I shot various scenes with the a6000: at sunrise and sunset, interiors and outside, different ISO values and different lenses.

SONY G 18-105 F4 | 63 mm | F4.5 | 1/1000 s | ISO 100

The image quality is something that cannot be measured easily, but all in all I’m pretty impressed by the images I got. Taking into consideration the model I had was a pre-production one, there is room for improvement for sure, and even more when thinking about the relation camera-lenses.

SONY G 18-105 F4 | 18 mm | F9 | 1/100 s | ISO 100

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about the camera in general, but about this model I had in particular. Best results I didn’t get by using the Carl Zeiss 16-70mm F4, or by using the Sony G 18-105 F4, but with the kit lens, which got me into thinking the sample I had was optimised for this particular kit lens, the 16-50 mm f3.5-5.6 PZ. It’s hard to believe a kit lens being better than a Zeiss 🙂

Even if it’s not me when doing camera reviews, I did some comparison tests with all 3 lenses I got, taking into account suggestions I got and questions from the DPreviews forums.

Camera was set on tripod and OSS was off.




I won’t say a thing about these images above, not until I will redo test with a final sample of a6000. But I can say a thing or two about each lens in particular:

The Kit – Sony 16-50 f 3.5-5.6


  • small and portable, best retro-look for the a6000 (for some people will matter :D)
  • perfectly optimised on this a6000 sample I had, good optic quality starting f5.6 on all focals
  • very fast AF-C using PDAF (phase detect auto-focus)
  • no optical artefacts, flare or vigneting
  • silent power-zoom, excellent for video
  • price


  • variable aperture, pretty slow lens at 50 mm (f5.6)
  • different gray shade than the one of the camera body (could be due to sample items)
  • small filter diameter and difficult access to the thread

Photo gallery:

Carl Zeiss 16-70 mm f4


  • sits perfectly on hand and on a6000
  • classic zoom, not by-wire, which make possible zooming while shooting bursts at 11 fps or during exposure (impossible with the PZ lenses)
  • incredibly fast on AF-C and getting focus using PDAF (phase detect auto-focus)
  • build quality and materials
  • normal size filters (ø55)
  • constant aperture (f4) at all focal lenghts


  • price, the lens can cost as much as the camera
  • a little soft at zoom ends and wide-open – possible due to the camera being a sample not optimised yet for this lens

Photo Gallery:

SONY G 18-105 mm f4


  • better reach due to extended focal range
  • power-zoom, excelent for video
  • fast AF-C using PDAF (phase detect auto-focus)
  • normal size filters (ø72)
  • F4 all the way
  • good price


  • soft images at all focals and apertures – possible due to the camera being a sample not optimised yet for this lens
  • this one is harder to explain: the focal is not similar to other lenses, the image being more cropped at the same focal length. Ex. at 35mm (focal available on all 3 lenses I had) the image you get with this lens is more zoomed-in than on the others (like it was shot at 40mm, aprox.)
  • too big and heavy for the a6000
  • on contrast detect autofocus, it hunts more than the other lenses (maybe because of the heavy lifting needed to move so much glass)

Photo Gallery:

Letting lens quality aside, we should keep in mind that the sensor and the image processor, both take a good part in delivering great image quality. So, in low light, at high ISO, these two have a lot to say.

Personally I find images taken with the new SONY a6000 easy usable up to ISO 8000 and with care and some processing, even up to 12.800.

Below is the same scene photographed at various ISO values:

Since the MFNR (multi frame noise reduction) technology was introduced by SONY, it never ceases to amaze me. It works better than any other noise reduction method. Now more scenes in the a6000 use this feature and even on Auto the camera detects situations to use it.

The results are incredible considering you shoot handheld in this light.

Carl Zeiss 16-70 F4 | 22 mm | F18 | 1/8 s | ISO 3200 MFNR

Carl Zeiss 16-70 F4 | 16 mm | F6 | 1/60 s | ISO 3200 MFNR | Handheld Twilight Scene

Speaking of proprietary features, it seems that SONY improved the algorithm of Auto Portrait Framing feature, because the camera recommends better crops than models before it.

And to be able to easily get to the next step, the one everyone expect so much (I’m sure some of you jumped directly to the AF section 🙂 ), I cannot help but mention Picture Effects (13 in total) that can be applied to photos and videos

Focus pocus

The moment everyone expected. I was close to wake up from my dream, everything that was happening being too much even for a dream 🙂

How is it even possible: 11 fps with continuous focus between each frame?! Something like this few high end dSLR can be proud of.

As SONY said when launching the camera:

Shoot in 0.06 seconds: the world’s fastest autofocus


Your eyes jump all over the place when following the little green dots playing around the EVF or the LCD. I put the iPhone’s camera inside the viewfinder and I did a short movie to show you how the a6000 feels when you shoot it like a machine gun 🙂

What I don’t get is why SONY forces me to shoot AF-C and Wide Area focus in order to be able to use thos 179 PDAF points?! I mean, I shoot mostly AF-S and I would love to have phase detect on this mode too. It seems that the camera reverts to contrast-detect only in this case, and for sure you are not able to select any of the little green dots by yourself.

On AF-C the camera chooses by itself the subject to track. I wish I was able to select myself the subject, and from there to start the tracking. In a way you can overcome this by using Lock-on AF, but you have to start from center of the screen and then reframe. Not that easy in all cases (esp. with fast moving subjects).

But all in all, I can say with all my heart, this little guy which is a6000, is the most precise and fast focusing mirror-less camera I have ever tested. Even better than many dSLRs that got in my hands.

The proof is the clip below, made only from image sequences shot at 11 fps bursts

And because the dream could not stop here, a6000 provides also tools needed for manual focusing old lenses: focus magnification, focus peaking and zebra for video.

SONY a6000 with Canon 50 f1.4, on it’s side SONY NEX-F3 + Carl Zeiss-ul 16-70

And the proof you can take incredible pictures using 50 y.o lenses

Ionut, the guy who lent me his adapter and lens. Thanks man.

My dream in video

I was inspired to document my dream by photos and by video clips, so this is my little adventure with the a6000 in video. I’m not a videographer, but just a mere enthusiast. Even so, a6000 proved a great tool for me. Full HD 25 fps.

How to share a dream?

Easy: either you write on blog an article that took hours to finish (and even more to translate :p), either you go for NFC and WiFi.

It is said that we dream in black and white and with no sound. It’s not true, you can even hear my voice in the clip below (but when you dream you speak your mother tongue, in my case Romanian :D)

What I remember

Good parts

  • fastest and most precise focusing system ever on a mirrorless camera (and not only)
  • excelent sensor dynamics
  • perfect design and retro look
  • 11 fps burst with continuous focus
  • good ergonomics by lots of customisable buttons
  • excelent EVF
  • MFNR function
  • battery wise I shot more than SONY advertise (more than 1000 pics and lots of video with one full charge). Love that you get a proper charger and not the one to charge the battery inside the camera.
  • it wakes up faster from StandBy than previous models
  • the menus

Not that good parts

  • LCD is difficult to see in daylight
  • lack of touchscreen
  • the rubber near EVF extremely stiff and annoying after many hours of usage
  • proximity sensor too sensible, difficult to shot from hip
  • not able to use PDAF on AF-S

A nightmare

All nice dreams end in a brutal nightmare. Mine was the moment I had to return the a6000 🙁

It was then when I woke up and I still dream about the SONY a6000.

Yours sincerely Alin Popescu

Read next: HX400v user review

You might also find interesting my Second full review in English, this time the HX400V super-zoom gets my attention. Read it here.

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PlayMemories how to

afla cum instalezi aplicatiile in noul tau aparat, din tari ne-suportate

Author: Alin Popescu

Inginer ca formare, grafician ca meserie, fotograf ca mod de viata, Alin este pasionat de tot ce inseamna tehnologie si scrie articole detaliate pe intelesul tuturor.

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  1. One of the best reviews I have ever seen in showing what a camera can do.
    No wonder you had it first.
    Greets from Holland.
    P. S. A lovely daughter you have. . 🙂

    Post a Reply
    • Ditto. The focus test with your daughter put a smile on my face. Great real world review of the camera.

      Post a Reply
    • I agree that you did a wonderful job in helping us consumers decide on whether or not to purchase the A6000.

      So when are you going to do the English review on the RX1 Mark ii? ; )

      Post a Reply
    • I second that Rob… thank you so much for this great review.
      I’ve just finished a comparative study between the A6000 and D5300… They’re both awesome and I don’t think anyone would be disappointed either way.
      I personally chose the D5300 and here’s why:
      – Way more lenses to choose from with Nikon than with Sony
      – 40% better battery life
      – A proper external mic jack (so important to use microphones in your video for better quality)

      http://hzz.hubpages.com/hub/Sony-A6000-vs-Nikon-D5300-the-best-mirrorless-vs-the-best-DSLR-Under-1000” target=”D5300 vs A6000

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  2. Ce ai remarcat la 18-105 este de fapt o corectare automata a camerei pentru acest obiectiv. Obiectivul este cunoscut pentru deformatiile gen “perna”. Modificandu-le apare ceea ce ai observat.
    Ceea ce vreau sa te rog sa-mi spui este daca EVF-ul are lag cand te misti camera in lumina redusa si daca observi pixeli OLED-ului dat fiind rezolutia lui mai mica? La A7 e super ok, nu am vazut unul cu rezolutie mai mica. Vreau sa achizitionez a6000 si oscilez intre 18-105 si 16-70, ambele cu f4. Un sfat? Merita diferenta de bani?

    Post a Reply
    • Multumesc de lamuriri. E posibil sa fie cum spui, pentru ca lens correction l-am lasat pe Auto. Nu mi-a dat prin cap atunci ca asta ar putea fi. Pixeli se vad in EVF dar doar daca te uiti atent, nu e ca la iPhone retina sa spunem. Lag nu mi s-a parut sa fie.

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  3. Hello, Allin

    and thank you very much for your great work!

    Greetings from Marek

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  4. Hi there,
    this was a great blog and I liked very much what you did!! Well done and I could see any doubt why I should see a bad English!! well done too!
    Was great to see your pics and vids!
    Congratulations Heiner

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you Heiner. Comments like this make me wanna do more reivews in English 🙂 for a broader audience

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  5. Nice review. I noticed that you’re autofocusing at f4.0. Have you tried to see how fast it autofocuses at a faster aperture like f1.8 on the SEL50?

    Post a Reply
    • Older lenses have to be firmware upgraded for PDAF (phase detect auto focus).
      I think there are very few SEL50F18 with the firmware upgraded on the market.

      Post a Reply
    • I have tried one 50 1.8 from the local camera shop. Unfortunately it wasn’t updated with the newest firmware so there was no fast PDAF support on it, focusing only using contrast detect and very slow.

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  6. Wonderful review. Thank you. I wonder if you noticed the sound of the shutter. I currently use a D3s and it is embarrassingly loud in many situations. I am hoping the a6000 is something close to silent, maybe a Leica M3 sort of sound. Any thoughts?

    Post a Reply
    • It is less noisy than A7. No idea about M3 🙂 sry. But in 11 fps it kinda draw attention to you 🙂

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  7. Foarte faina recenzie, Alin! Bravo!

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  8. Great review! Thank you so much for your patience on dpreview. Don’t be shy about your language, it’s way more than adequate. The content of the review is better yet.
    There are a lot of great pictures on your site.

    A few questions for you. NEX6 could only PDAF at fast apperutres, how about a6000, does it have the same limitation? Sorry if it was covered already. 16-70 is a little bit large, does it feel like a6000 will handle lens of this size under heavy use?

    Thanks again,

    Post a Reply
    • Thanks for your kind words. I didn’t notice any limitations with the a6000 related to small apertures and PDAF focusing. But not knowing of this, I didn’t look for it. But if you ask me, even top end DSLR states that their best AF points (cross ones) go up to F8 (maximum was 5.6 before), so this may be a general system limitation, not Sony’s

      Post a Reply
      • Yes, true, this applies also to DSLRs.
        But there, the phase-detection AF is always used with the aperture wide open while mirrorless cameras are focused at the final image aperture. So you can probably only use contrast AF in those circumstances.

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  9. Foarte fain review, am urmarit deja “bucatelele” de pe dpreview, dar articolul intreg este minunat!
    Felicitari, avem si noi romanii un “first”, deja este pe toate site-urile de interes pentru fanii Sony!

    Post a Reply
    • Multumesc. A mai fost un first la lansarea lui D4 :). Atunci host-ul mi-a inchis blog-ul ca depasisem intr-o zi quota pe 3 luni :)))

      Post a Reply
      • Eu sunt un multumit posesor de NEX-7, asta e lumea in care ma invart: APS-C si nu ma uit in sus, ci doar pe laterala.

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  10. Very nice review Alin.
    Greetings from Brazil.

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  11. That was the most thorough and easily understood review I have seen to date. I enjoyed your review tremendously, which only made me want the camera more so. I really enjoyed seeing the videos and real-world comparisons of the different lenses (crops). Thanks for all your hard work, and for sharing this great review of the Sony a6000 with all of us. 🙂

    Post a Reply
    • Thanks. It was a pleasure, and seeing so much appreciation, it makes me wanna continue 🙂

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  12. Great review – thanks! Do you think the A6000 would be a good first camera fro me? I am a complete beginner working out what camera to get? Thanks!

    Post a Reply
    • I think is as good on Auto and Scene modes as it can be on manual or A,P,S programs. You can build up your skills with no problem.

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  13. Hello. Thanks for your great test.

    Are the images from the ISO-Comparison OOC-jpg?

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  14. Thanks Alin for a great review – informative and entertaining. Am inclined towards buying an A6000 and keeping NEX6 as spare body .
    is there an English version of your A7/A7r review?
    You are a talented reviewer and also a talented photographer

    Post a Reply
    • Hi there and thanks for stopping by. Nope, as I said, this review was the first in English. I have a good friend who volunteered himself to translate my articles if needed. I will ask him if he is willing to do the A7 in English. Keep in touch 😀

      Post a Reply
  15. Carl Zeiss 16-70 F4

    Why is this lense performing so badly?
    Why should we pay such a high price?



    Post a Reply
    • If you have read carefully I’ve mentioned I don’t expect same results when having a final a6000. This one I had for tests, being a pre-production model, it is possible to not be optimised for the Zeiss yet. Don’t blame the lens until final tests are done. The Zeiss is a pretty impressive performer as per other people’s reviews.

      Post a Reply
  16. Hello !

    first thank you for this great test !!
    I have a NEX 7 and I’m thinking to order this A6000 for the reasons : focuc spead, new Bionz X,hybrid focusing system, Wifi and…and the new menu.
    I have the Zeiss 24 mm and the zoom 16-70 f4. I hope the A6000 final firmware will optimised those lenses.
    can you confirm if the body is all magnesium alloy or mixed plastic ?

    Thank you !!

    Post a Reply
    • Hello and thank you for stopping by. There is some plastic also, but the entire feeling is a metal camera 🙂

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  17. Thanks for the great review, looking forward to checking this out as a possible candidate to replace my NEX-5N, hoping it plays nicely with my trusty SEL18200. Keep up the good work and please continue with the English reviews, I’m to lazy to learn Romanian or Polish 😉

    All the best from Canada!

    Post a Reply
  18. Thank you so much for this short but very informative review.
    I wonder how this A6000 compares to the A7 in terms of image quality at base ISO,
    how much better is the A7, is it visible?

    Post a Reply
    • As I said before, I will never compare apples with peaches :).. one is APS-C the other is FF as you for sure know 🙂

      Post a Reply
      • I am considering to buy a nikon d7100,but this camera comes to my mind.Can you give me some advise? Which one suits me better if I mainly shot landscapes and potraits?

        Post a Reply
        • Sorry, but I cannot know which camera suits one better than the person itself :). So it’s only you who can make this decision.

          Post a Reply
  19. Great review – Thank you!!!
    I have a NEX-7 and love it. But AF issues, especially in a low light can be very frustrating. Looking forward to try a6000!

    Post a Reply
  20. Hi! This is a very informative review. I am curious if you tried the a6000’s exposure auto-bracketing. I currently have the NEX-6, and the fact that you can’t set a delay timer AND auto-bracket simultaneously is a bit annoying. Did Sony fix this?

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  21. What adapter did you use for your older minolta lens? Which cheap one can i get that works well and focus peaking.

    Post a Reply
    • No Minolta lens, only an old Canon one. I have no idea about the adapter, it came with the lens, borrowed by my friend

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  22. Hello Alin,
    Thank you very much for this great review with wonderful real world shots which I enjoyed very much and made me think visiting Bucharest & Romania with A6000!
    Yes,I decided to get it. Until now I couldn’t decide which one in between Fuji X and Sony.
    So, it will be my first Sony and my 10th digital cameras(though I only have 2 left now).

    many thanks again,
    from freezing cold New York.

    Post a Reply
    • Freezing cold could be here also this time of year :). I make you an offer: I’ll visit New York when you’ll visit Bucharest. I’ll give you the keys of my apartment and you’ll let me stay in yours 😀

      Post a Reply
  23. Vielen Dank für den großartigen Testbericht!
    Es ist für mich der beste den ich je gelesen habe und wird meine Entscheidung für diese großartige Kamera sehr erleichtern!
    Vielen Dank dafür

    Post a Reply
    • At least I tried to write the review in English, I would appreciate to receive comments in English :). I sprache nein Deutsch 😀

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  24. Thanks for your great review, greeting from Malaysia 🙂

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  25. Your review is really interesting and well done !
    Thank you for the English translation and greetings from Italy !

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    • Grazie Ugo. Lo posso fare anche in Italiano se vorrei :). Sto scherzando, fa molto tempo da quando non ho mai parlato Italiano. Salutti dalla Romania.

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      • …il tuo italiano scritto è ottimo…e grazie tante per l’eccellente recensione. Ti seguirò…

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  26. Excellent Review, Alin. Allow me to clarify one thing. I believe you are misinterpreting the the way focus points are displayed as green boxes with the way the focus system actually works. PDAF works using all 179 Phase-detect focus points in ALL modes including AF-S.

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you. I reached the conclusion that it’s possible not to use PDAF in AF-S, because in many situations I’ve seen the big interrupted green box and slowish focusing when using this mode, especially in low light. Thus my conclusion.

      Post a Reply
  27. Absolutely fantastic review. In fact you just sold an A6000. I’ll put it on the shelf with a Nex-5,6, and 7 !!!
    My dream is to couple with the 70-200 FE G and have the lightest bird-in-flight machine made IF the EVF can keep up.

    Post a Reply
  28. Awesome review! 😀 I’ve got a question: with the custom buttons, can you set one to AF-ON? Meaning, separate the focus function from the shutter button and remap it to a custom button.

    High end cameras tend to have a dedicated AF-ON button, and some, like my D7100, allow you to map that function to certain buttons on the camera. VERY useful for sports, and if the A6000’s AF can keep up like it seems, it would be a great feature.

    Post a Reply
    • Hello and thank you. I think I’ve answered that one already, but no problem, I can do it again :). Yes you can, in fact I’ve set the AE-L button to do AF-On when playing with the a6000 🙂

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  29. Thank you. Brilliant review and loved your photography. Have been thinking about this camera for some time. Your review has persuaded me. English very good – I wish some of my students were up to your standard!

    An English teacher from England.

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  30. Alin, did you notice if Auto ISO was available in M mode (both video & still).

    many thanks

    Post a Reply
    • Yes it is available for sure in stills. I didn’t do video in M mode, so I don’t know for video.

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  31. Complimenti Alin bella recensione,
    io però ancora non ho capito se conviene fare upgrade da sony nex6 a sony a6000.
    AF velocissimo non mi interessa, uso vintage lens in manual focus. Mi interessa solo qualità immagine e qualità video.

    Secondo te meglio aspettare future macchine per fare upgrade?


    Post a Reply
    • Non posso dire, perche non ho avutto il NEX-6 per fare una recensione con quella camera. Pero, la nuova generazione viene sempre con cose in piu. Comme hanno detto altre persone che hanno leto îl review, sembra che un buona camera per upgrade.

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  32. Very well written review. You did a great job Sir.

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  33. buna as fi interesat sa aflu cum ai folosit Canon ef 1.4 pe sony. Este aceeasi montura sau ai folosit un adaptor?
    Eu am lentila asta pentru ca am folosit-o inainte si as vrea sa o tin ca sa o folosesc in viitor.
    De asemenea cat e coeficientul de magnificare daca montezi canon 50mm pe sony.
    Mercy pentru review.
    Salutari din UK

    Post a Reply
    • Salut Florin. Cred ca am scris acolo, ca prietenul meu care avea obiectivul avea si un adaptor de la montura Canon la Sony E. Exista adaptoare de la aproape orice montura la Sony E si gasesti de la 5-10 euro la 100+. Coeficientul e acelasi indiferent de obiectivul montat, si anume 1,5x (senzor APS-C).
      Salutari din tara 🙂

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  34. How is the image quality when compared to d5300?

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  35. Great review with a personal touch, just the way it should be!
    Greetings from Greece,

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you. This is my understanding of doing a review: how I saw the experience of using a camera, like it was my own.

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  36. Hi Alin!
    What glass would you suggest for A6000, considering for future switch to full-frame NEX and considering glass’ price:
    SEL1670Z [16-70mm] = $999 or SELP18105G [18-105mm] = $599

    Post a Reply
      • You mean these lenses cannot be installed on A7? or future full-framed NEX?
        So if I will stay with Sony in future and would buy any E-mount full-frame camera, my SEL1670Z [16-70mm] = $999 or SELP18105G [18-105mm] = $599 will not be compatible?
        Sorry for noob questions))

        Post a Reply
          • What if use A7 glasses on NEX cameras? Please clear this situation for me:)

          • Being the same mount, just the image size circle being different, on a 28mm lens you’ll get the field of view of a 42mm lens. Didn’t try it yet, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t work

  37. Thank you very much for your great review.
    Very impatient to order this camera!!!
    According to your review which lenses do your recommand for this camera?
    I was thinking of the kit lenses 16 50 + 55 210 + 50 f1.8 but the new 16 70 looks great, maybe pricey, what is your opinion?
    Thanks for all, a french fan.

    Post a Reply
    • Thanks for taking time to read the review. Kit lens is a good start. From there is only up to you which way to go

      Post a Reply
  38. Thank you Alin. Nice review! I’ve had a question about the compatibility of the Sigma E30mm/f2.8 DN lens and the Sigma E60mm/f2.8 Dn lens with this wonderful camera.

    Best regards from Malaysia.

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you. Sorry, but I have no idea about the compatibility of those two lenses. If they work on other NEX camera, they should work with no problem also on a6000.

      Post a Reply
  39. Thanks for a very well written and informative review! I am trying to decide on a purchase of this camera.
    I currently own a Sony a300 that I use with a old vintage A-mount Minolta AF 70-210 zoom lens (Beercan!) Do you know of a lens adapter is available to allow me to use the old Minolta lens on the a6000? What issues might arise in a deployment of this type?
    Thanks again.
    Mark – Huntington Beach, CA.

    Post a Reply
  40. hi alin, did you use the a6000 with la-ea2 adaptor for A-Mount lenses?
    let me know how it works, thanks

    Post a Reply
    • sorry, I haven’t. I will have my chance to use once again the a6000 next week, and I’ll try to mount some A lenses on it. Will let you know.

      Post a Reply
  41. thanks alin, let me know if the fast autofocus of a6000 can be used with la-ea2.


    Post a Reply
  42. Nice review. What is the music played on the ‘My dream in Video’ sequence ?

    Post a Reply
  43. Thank you Alin (and Mihai) for this wonderful review with great comparison photos to let us see for ourselves, not just trust your conclusions. (If you’re curious, I found a link to your review in this DPreview forum post — http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/53354191.) I am upgrading from a MFT system and will start with just the kit lens, as you recommended, plus the F20 flash. You just saved me $$$$$ since I was all set to invest in the Zeiss 16-70mm lens but will now wait for reviews of the production model before deciding between that and the 18-105mm.

    And as you know, your daughter is adorable!

    Best regards,
    Debbie from Pennsylvania, U.S.

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you Debbie. I’m glad you liked it. And thank you once again for the compliments on my daughter. She is indeed adorable 🙂

      Post a Reply
  44. hi alin, news about your test with la-ea2 with a-Mount lenses?


    Post a Reply
    • Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I’ll have again the a6000. Will try to find the adapter in the shop and do some tests. Please be patient, I didn’t forget 🙂

      Post a Reply
    • Bad news. Tested the adapter with some A mount lenses today. Unfortunately, camera switches to the AF system of the adapter, so no fast PDAF available.

      Post a Reply
        • alin, are you sure there is no software menu that can exclude the adapter af system?


          Post a Reply
          • If there is, is buried somewhere in the menus, because I couldn’t find it in the 5 mins I had with the adapter in the camera shop.

          • thanks anyway!!!

  45. Alin,
    Thank you for the review. I will read a few more when available from other reviewers. However, your review was very good and moves me closer to the purchase of the Sony A6000.

    Illinois USA

    Post a Reply
  46. Hello alin,
    you wrote that you may test again the a6000.
    Any comment?

    Post a Reply
  47. Fantastic review, thank you! I have one on order so now I am even more excited for the post to arrive. Think I might have to cancel a few social occasions so that I can get more time to go out and shoot. 🙂

    Post a Reply
  48. Hey, Alin.

    Awesome dream! I really liked the pictures and the videos. You’re daughter is a natural, btw.

    I’m wondering why people say “this is an amazing camera in the right conditions”… is it slow under any circumstances? I had a Nikon J3… loved the quality, but it was very hard to focus subjects.
    Thanks in advance!
    (from sunny and warm California)

    Post a Reply
    • Thanks Alejandro. In now way this camera is slow to focus. When people say things like those, in my opinion, they’ve never put their hands on a6000 and its their disbelief who’s talking. Maybe I could say the same before testing this SONY model. The camera is amazing, at least when speaking about focus performance. I also had a Nikon 1, model J2, but there is no way you could compare the Nikon1s with the a6000 🙂

      Post a Reply
  49. You, sir, are a true gent, a fantastic photographer and a very lucky father.

    Thank you for the review. There is very little reliable opinion on this new camera currently available, but after reading your review I purchased an a6000 a few days ago. It confirmed everything you have said.

    Thanks again from London.

    Post a Reply
    • Thank you sir :). I’m glad when people really appreciate my work, in which I put a lot of effort and time. It’s a pleasure to read such good feedback from my readers. This makes me go on. I just published a new review in english, this time for the SONY HX400 super-zoom. It’s here.

      Post a Reply
  50. Alin,very very nice review. Tell us more.
    Greetings from Spain.

    Post a Reply
  51. did you use the focus lock function to photograph your daughter? I just bought the camera and still learning how to use it.

    Post a Reply
    • No, it just detected subject moving and followed her. Also, face detection was on, and then, when she got close, face detection took priority and focused on her face

      Post a Reply
  52. Hello, Alin!
    Thank you for an informative, more practical, hands-on type of review. Found it more useful than many others online. I am a Canon 5D MkII user. Looking to switch to either A7 or NEX7 or A6000 and continue to use Canon optics. Primary reasons: 1. Reduce weight (I shoot mostly hand held in the high Himalayas). 2. Get better image quality from the Sony sensor. My primary subjects are lansdscapes in low light, wild flowers, birds and butterflies. Which of these 3 Sony model will prove more suitable and a better option than the Canon 5D II?
    Thanks in advance much for your views!

    Post a Reply
    • Didn’t test the NEX7, but to extrapolate, I would def. go for the A7, being a full frame camera. Just my 2¢ 🙂

      Post a Reply
  53. Thank you for your wonderful review! For an intermediate photographer who’s still trying to polish their photography skills, would you recommend buying just the body or the body that comes along with the lens kit?

    Post a Reply
  54. Thanks for the real world review. You gave me a realistic view what this camera can do and im impressed. Do you think the Kit Lens is crap? If i watch the sample pics i cant see much difference with the Carl Zeiss Lens.
    Turan Kaya

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  55. Hello! thank you for such an awesome review. Your english is amazing by the way. I had already preordered this camera but wasn’t sure since I’m new to photography but your review made me all that more excited for it. Im a beginner, and i was wondering. I thought that only sony lenses fit on sony cameras so i was asking myself how you were able to put a canon lens on it. by the way i got this camera and it is amazing. it must have been amazing to test run it before the actual thing came out. thank you so much for your review again! Best Regards!

    Post a Reply
    • You can find adapters to fit almost every other lens on the E-mount. Just search for Canon to Sony e mount adapters *or replace Canon with your lens type 🙂

      Post a Reply
  56. Thank you for translating your very useful review, it helped me to finally decide to buy this camera! And those beautiful pictures – I seriously consider going to Romania for my next holidays 🙂

    Post a Reply
  57. Hey,

    nice review, thx for it.
    I order the A6000 with the 18-200LE.
    I hope the AF works fine with the Super Zoom Lens..


    Post a Reply
  58. thank’s for the lovely reveiw photo and video.
    and thank’s to your lovely daughter
    i have a question:
    how did you meanege keep on focus during shooting at 11 fps?
    i’m asking as tony northrup in the video which i enclose a link here didn’t meanege to keep in focus:



    Post a Reply
    • Hi. I’ve used AF continuous and Wide area focuse mode. I looked at the video, and it seems he used the 50mm while trying to keep focus on the girl on the playground. That lens, if not firmware updated to the latest version, is not able to use the fast phase detect focusing mode. Tried on myself in the camera shop, and the a6000 was reverting to contrast-detect only mode.

      Post a Reply
  59. hello Alin,

    This camera has an hybrid AF Contrast Detect & Phase Detect.
    How do we know when the AF is on contrast or phase detection, or the both ?
    Is there a specific setting ?
    Lock on AF set on ON or OFF with flexible spot ?
    Nothing in the Sony book.

    Thank you

    Post a Reply
    • From my testings, the only way to activate Phase Detect is to put camera on AF continuous and then use Wide area AF. The rest of the focus settings are working on Contrast Detect. The difference is on the green rectangles that appear on the screen when focused: big and few on contrast-detect, lots and small on phase detect.

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  60. Absolutely brilliant review. Now looking forward to getting one.
    Best wishes,
    Devon, UK.

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  61. Hi Alin,

    Awesome review and pictures.

    I have bought the kit lens and for some reason during the night shot, I would get blurry or pixelated screen. Did you had any thoughts about it?

    I am about to pick up the Carl Zeiss 16-70mm or the the G lens 18-105mm. I have read your review but still a bit confused. Based on your experiences with both lenses, which one would you recommend? And since both are at F4 constant. Does Carl Zeiss lens make that image quality actually better than G lens? Keep in mind, I have a Rx1. Everytime I use it, image quality looks amazing.

    Thank you.

    Post a Reply
    • Hi Francis and thanks for your comment. I didn’t get into the situation you’re saying during night shots. And I now own the a6000 and even with this final model I don’t get into the issue you’re saying. I’ve tested the 16-70 also on my final model, and it still didn’t impress me. I wouldn’t pay that much money for it, I would go for the 18-105 instead, even if it make the camera/lens way to big for its purpose.
      On my purchase list is the Touit 32 1.8, an amazing and impressive lens

      Post a Reply
      • Thank you for your suggestions. I will probably go for the G lens – 18- 105 instead of the carl ziess 16-70. I saw you recommend the touit 32 1.8. I did bought the 50 1.8, obviously the price is quite significantly less than touit 32 1.8. What do you think? What other lens do you recommend?

        Post a Reply
        • I liked the 50 1.8 but it needs firmware update to get the best results on the a6000. Otherwise you won’t get the PDAF focusing.

          Post a Reply
  62. Hi Alin,
    thank you very much, really nice review!
    I have seen you have tested a number of cameras, may I ask you which camera would you advice me mostly for travels (planning a trip to Himalayas), landscapes and interviews to people – a both photo and video solution with very good IQ. And which lens? I was considering sony rx10, panasonic gh3 or a camcorder like panasonic X920 (I have also a Oly EPL1 for photo). But now looking at this A6000 things seem to be changing… Budget is not huge that’s why I was not considering GH4 or Sony AX100… Thanks and best greetings from Italy!

    Post a Reply
    • I went myself for the a6000 for the same or similar purposes like yours. I will also buy in the future the Zeiss Touit 32mm f1.8, which is an incredible lens for portraits and other good stuff 🙂

      Post a Reply
  63. Hi Alin,

    Great review! I was already pretty much sold on this camera, your review gives me absolutely no reasons to change my mind. You have a beautiful daughter I must add!

    I, however do have a couple of questions regarding the performance of the kit lets. I know the 16-50mm PZ lens is an all around solid bargain performer, but how does it perform in low light situations?

    The other alternative seems to be the insanely costly Carl Zeiss 16-70mm lens, which is on a $300 discount on amazon if bought in a bundle with the a6000 body. From your review, I can see you have captured some absolutely great low light shots using the Carl Zeiss one. So it makes me tempted to go for this lens even though I am on an extremely tight budget.

    My question is- does the 16-50 mm PZ kit lens show decent performance in such low light scenerios? It could save me a lot of cash that I could possibly spend in future to buy some prime lenses.


    Post a Reply
    • I just tested this camera in the kit version in many caves around Romania. Focusing is faster than the Zeiss even in low light. I would go as a no brainer with the kit version. I had for test also the Touits, the 12 mm and the 32, and I am sold for the 32 1.8. Soon in my bag 🙂

      Post a Reply
  64. Hello Alin,

    thanks you for the great review. I’m very interested in the speed of this camera because of my fast moving chihuahuas. I now use a Nikon 1 for that, but since the dogs often play in the evening, it’s hard to get good results with the smaller sensor. Now I wonder after seeing you machine gun at work, how many of those shots of your lovely daughter were in focus? Did you post some of them somewhere perhaps?

    Kind regards, Petra

    Post a Reply
    • I might say 7-8 out of 10 is the rate of Sony a6000 with a compatible lens for fast PDAF

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  65. Alin,
    Your in deep review is superbly well done.

    More then that, you have the great quality to respond to us, it is very rare and no months of waiting on a possible answer.
    But I do have a small question on this great little camera: I didn’t see nowhere on Sony site if there is a separate charger to charge a second battery!

    Keep the ultra good work Alin.
    Merci! Thanks!

    Post a Reply
    • Thanks for this kind words. I really appreciate. There is a separate charger, for sure. I had it and it also come with the new A7s in box. The battery is the same, so it will be compatible. Just check in a camera store. Or you can have this good deal on Amazon – http://amzn.to/10yAoiE

      Post a Reply
      • Good day again, Now, apparently Sony is now selling the camera with a separate charger in a kit. Thas mean to don’t have to charge the camera through an USB. If this is right, it is now a bigger plus for the great small A 6000.

        Post a Reply
  66. Hi Alin:

    A great, informative blog. As a new owner of an a6000 I wanted to let you know that your blog is, so far, the only place that makes clear the settings needed to activate the PDAF system. It is fantastic, but, like you, I wish that it worked with all focus modes.

    Keep up the good work.


    Post a Reply
    • Thanks Dave. I was a QA tester before and I always try to reproduce things while testing and also find all possible combinations 😀 Enjoy your a6000 like I do with mine 🙂

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  67. I will purchase an A6000 after your nice dream ending.
    Greetings from Vietnam.

    Post a Reply
  68. best review of a6000 till date

    Post a Reply
  69. I don’t know…you are making my decision very hard with this great a6000 review…I am thinking of selling mine and getting the hx400 for the zoom reach.

    Before I forget…dont be bashful, you don’t call yourself a videographer, thats alright, but I am going to tell you that you shoot some fantastic videos. What I like is the way you explain, characterized, the people and the places. without any words, you show them in their daily purpose.

    Thank you.

    Post a Reply
  70. hello

    i tried to do what you are doing in the video for controlling the focus points but it wont work: i press the back button but when i leave it the focus dissapears from the screen and can not be moved. is there anything i missed ? 🙂

    Post a Reply


  1. Sony A6000 review by Popescu. A5000 gets DxOmarked. | sonyalpharumors - […] Alin Popescu (Click here) posted the first full Sony A6000 review. […]
  2. Sony A6000 - NEX-6 Nachfolger - Seite 34 - Systemkamera Forum - […] AW: Sony A6000 - NEX-6 Nachfolger Full review and focus tests with SONY a6000 - a beautiful dream |…
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  4. Sony A6000 Test Shows Amazing Fast AF Performance | Daily Camera News - […] Alin Popescu is probably the first site posting the Sony A6000 review. He tested the A6000 and posted a couple…
  5. Der EVIL-Stammtisch - Seite 3 - […] […]
  6. Neu: Sony Alpha 6000 - Bilderforum.de - […] […]
  7. Sony A6000: Hands-On von Phillip Reeve - Seite 2 - Systemkamera Forum - […] […]
  8. Sony A6000: Autofokus-Geschwindigkeit in Videos demonstriert | Photografix Magazin - […] scheint das so zu sein: Diverse Fotografen und Tester sind begeistert vom Autofokus der A6000. Alin Popescu sagt zum…
  9. Narcis Virgiliu blog » Blog Archive » Alin Popescu a testat Sony A6000 - […] Full review and focus tests with SONY a6000 – a beautiful dream by Alin Popescu aici […]
  10. SONY HX400 user review - steps ahead from the HX300 | Allin Popescu - […] like the one found in, let’s say the a6000 (a camera I loved and a first fo me: the…
  11. Fug putin la pozat | Allin Popescu - […] de “light” din punct de vedere al echipamentului foto. Mă duc doar cu a6000-ul (vezi review) si 3 obiective:…
  12. Fug putin la pozat | Allin Popescu - […] de “light” din punct de vedere al echipamentului foto. Mă duc doar cu a6000-ul (vezi review) si 3 obiective:…
  13. Review obiectivele Touit | Allin Popescu - […] Am avut la test pe primele doua din cele 3 Touit-uri destinate aparatelor SONY cu montura E (seria NEX…
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  29. oglinda oglinjoara – Biletul Zilei 2018 - […] Full review and focus tests with SONY a6000 – a beautiful … […]

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