More brilliance. More beauty – Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes

More brilliance. More beauty – Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes

Sony Bravia 4K HDR TV Commercial – behind the scenes Not many months ago, I’ve been appointed by Sony HQ and asked if I want to be the photographer on set for a new TV Commercial (short TVC) for the new 4k Bravia HDR TV. Imagine my answer: Hell ya! Especially hearing about the location of the shoot Out of aprox 60 locations worldwide, they’ve shortened the list to 5 locations in Europe, and the lucky winner was this...

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Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day two on set

Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day two on set

Sony Bravia 4K HDR TV Commercial – behind the scenes Day two on set Contents: Day one on set  Day two on set (you are here) Day three on set Day four on set The second morning of the shoot started of course with the safety instructions. Also, a legal representative of the city was there to make sure rules are abided since the most interesting part of the shoot was going to happen in this second day. Read on! The most difficult...

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Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day three on set

Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day three on set

Sony Bravia 4K HDR TV Commercial – behind the scenes Day three on set Contents: Day one on set  Day two on set Day three on set (you are here) Day four on set 3rd day was nothing short of interesting stuff and colours. It was the day when most of the interior balloon exploding and bursting into colourful glitter happened. But they still had to shoot a last scene of balloons traveling throughout rooms as part of the invasion. The...

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Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day four on set

Sony Bravia 4k HDR behind the scenes – Day four on set

Sony Bravia 4K HDR TV Commercial – behind the scenes Day four on set Contents: Day one on set  Day two on set Day three on set  Day four on set (you are here) Did you miss Ulf’s wiring systems? The last day of the TVC started with a final scene of the invasion, two balloons in a new room, with beautiful light, mirrors and a dolly hunted by these balloons. Setting up new wires for pulling the balloons They had to be sure...

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Cum am trecut eu prin toate starile la WeddCamp 2016

Cum am trecut eu prin toate starile la WeddCamp 2016

Cred ca mai sincer de atat nu pot fi legat de WeddCamp! M-am simtit: prost ca am intarziat in prima zi si m-a tras Dana de urechi incantat de povestea frumoasa a lui Andra si Marius Dragan ( batut in cap ca nu pot fi la fel de organizat precum Narcis Tarcea de la Imagia. Rar imi notez chestii, dar de la el am simtit nevoia sa-mi notez lucruri utile si de tinut minte pentru a fi puse in practica, cum ar fi: plug-in-uri de...

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Nu faceti update la iOS 9.3 – Linkurile in Safari nu merg

Nu faceti update la iOS 9.3 – Linkurile in Safari nu merg

Se pare ca #appl o ia pe garla, usor la vale. Ultimele modele (6 si 6s) mi-au adus numai probleme, iar de soft nu mai spun. Cireasa de pe tort, de astazi nu mai merg linkurile in Safari, dupa update-ul la iOS 9.3. De nicaieri, m-am trezit acum ceva ore ca nu-mi mai merg linkurile in Safari, in sensul ca daca dai un search si ai o lista de rezultate, succes sa dai click pe oricare dintre ele. Touch simplu nu merge, iar touch and hold,...

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Magie pentru copii – Van Dyke proces alternativ

Magie pentru copii – Van Dyke proces alternativ

Cum frate-miu e tot timpul cu mainile prin solutii, si cum l-am prins zilele astea cu niste negative pregatit sa scoata ceva printuri noi in proces Van Dyke Brown (a scris el aici chestiile tehnice), i-am propus sa facem un mini atelier sa vada si Andreea, fetita mea, magia aparitiei pozelor pe hartie. Irina, verisoara ei mai mare, era deja specialista, ca deh, traieste in casa cu tasu’. M-am uitat insa foarte atent la Andreea,...

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Mandru de sotia mea – Dr. Popescu Oana

Mandru de sotia mea – Dr. Popescu Oana

Incepand de saptamana trecuta, sotia mea, Dr. Popescu Oana – medic obstetrica si ginecologie, a pornit la drum intr-o noua aventura, suplimentar de activitatea pe care o desfasoara la spitalul judetean Ialomita din Slobozia. Pe langa orele de program, garzi si nopti nedormite, familie si timp liber, a gasit energia de a putea acorda si consultatii private in cadrul noului sau cabinet din Str. Episcopiei nr. 3, Slobozia. Ca semn...

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Un alt fel de Mos Craciun la copiii din satele Ialomitene

Un alt fel de Mos Craciun la copiii din satele Ialomitene

Anul trecut l-am incheiat in liniste si cu gandul la tot ce a fost bun in anul ce tocmai se incheia. Desi eram pe ultima suta cu pregatirile de Craciun, am acceptat sa merg cu echipa Gura Ialomitei sa distribuim familiilor nevoiase din judet cateva daruri de la Mosu’. Adica am fost reni 🙂 Am facut si un mic filmulet pe tema asta, dar si cateva poze copiilor care se bucurau de te miri ce aveau prin pungi. Mai jos o mica galerie...

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La final de 2015 mi-am luat zborul cu drona

La final de 2015 mi-am luat zborul cu drona

O coceam de mult cu frate-miu. Am stat pana nu am mai rezistat si am facut si pasul asta – ne-am luat o drona sa ne apucam de filmari si fotografii aeriene. Am pus ochii de mult timp pe un DJI Phantom 3 Professional si nu ne-am lasat pana nu l-am avut. Sa zicem ca ni l-a adus mosul. Cum treaba nu e treaba pana nu are si un domeniu si site de prezentare, zis si facut. Iar nu am dormit noaptea bine si am visat un nume. Mă tot...

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